Sample Census Custom API Endpoints

You should have the following integration endpoints available on this server.

Name Description Endpoint URL
minimal An endpoint that stubs every method but doesn't push data
postgres A basic integration that can write into PostgreSQL databases

Installation & Testing Instructions

These functions are currently deployed and waiting to be connected in Census

  1. Login to Census at
  2. Click on the Connections tab
  3. Click on Add Service and select Custom API
  4. Paste the appropriate endpoint URL of the custom API

Notes for PostgreSQL Connection

The code for a custom connector doesn't embed any credentials for accessing your destination database. There's a few ways to provide these credentials when building your own connectors (see our docs). In this basic setup, you should add credentials to the environment using Netlify's site settings

How to Debug

The folks at Netlify provide an easy way to access the log of how lambda functions execute. For example, this page shows the log for the minimal endpoint.